You play a role in protecting the security of your personal information. In addition to following Safe Computing Practices, here are some other best practices that can help you keep your information secure. Do Stay informed and follow any new security practices that may emerge over time. Protect your PIN and passwords (online, mobile, telephone, ATM, direct payment). Memorise your PIN (Personal Identification Number), TeleScotia and RepublicOnline passwords. Choose PIN/passwords that cannot be guessed by others and do not write them down. Be discriminating. Be sure who you're dealing with and don't give out your personal information freely. Find out why it's needed and how it will be used, and then determine if it's relevant to provide. Do not give out personal information on the phone, through the mail or over the Internet unless you have initiated the contact or know with whom you are dealing. Shred documents that contain personal information (i.e., bank statements). Destroy carbons and receipts that may contain account numbers and/or signatures. Tear up or shred any pre-approved credit card offers to which you do not respond. Protect your National Tax ID and those of your children and other family members by not carrying them in you wallet. Minimise the pieces of identification and number of cards that you carry. Do not carry your National Tax ID card, passport or birth certificate unless needed.Report lost or stolen cheques, credit, or debit cards immediately. Report lost or stolen cheques, credit, or debit cards immediately. Notify your bank or the police of suspicious activity. Store cancelled cheques, chequebooks and account statements in a safe place. Retrieve and review your mail promptly. Review your bank account and credit card statements promptly. Know when to expect them and inquire with the bank/company if you do not receive them when expected (within a reasonable amount of time). Sign the back of any new cards (both credit and debit cards) as soon as you get them as well as activate new credit cards immediately if the feature is offered. Educate your children about sharing personal information. Follow Safe Computing Practices. Don't Don't respond to unsolicited emails that request personal information such as your debit or credit card numbers, ATM PIN, or online and telephone banking passwords. Do not leave your bank and credit cards unattended and do not let them out of your sight when making a purchase. Never leave cards unattended in your vehicle, your work, or other places. Don't email confidential information such as account numbers and date of birth. Do not leave personal information (such as bank statements) lying around.