Security FAQs

As part of Republic Bank’s commitment to your online security, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about basic security measures and Multi-Factor Authentication.

  • What is Republic Bank Internet Banking? What is RepublicOnline?
    Republic Bank Internet Banking offers you the flexibility to access your accounts anytime, anywhere. RepublicOnline is our personal internet banking service designed to create a more effortless and convenient banking experience for you. Need to transfer money from your savings account to your credit card? Want to know if your paycheque has been deposited yet? Save yourself a trip to the bank. Log on to Republic Bank Internet Banking to access all your account information and conduct your banking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any PC with an Internet connection. Find out more about RepublicOnline.
  • What can I do with RepublicOnline?
    You can view your balances and transaction history, pay bills, transfer funds between same-currency accounts, set up recurring transfers and bill payments. Find out more about RepublicOnline.
  • What do I need to sign up for and access RepublicOnline?
    You must have an active account with Republic Bank, a Republic Visa Debit Card and access to a PC with a secure Internet connection. We recommend that the computer be equipped with at least a 36.6K modem, a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels and a 128-bit encrypted version of a supported browser. The 128-bit encryption technology in these browsers provides you with added security when conducting financial transactions on the Internet. Find out more about RepublicOnline.
  • What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
    MFA consists of verifying and validating the authenticity of your identity using more than one validation mechanism. MFA provides you with an added layer of security and ensures that only you can access your bank accounts. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Why is MFA important?
    Due to rapid technological changes, opportunities to obtain another person's identifying information and perpetrate identity fraud have increased. We need to employ systems such as MFA that will enable us to prevent potential frauds. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • How does MFA work?
    When you enrol in MFA, you will select five secret Authentication Questions and submit answers to them. When you log in, we will check the computer you are using to access our Internet Banking System. MFA remembers which computer you normally use, giving you additional protection against unauthorised individuals logging into your accounts. If you log in from a different computer, we take the additional security step to verify your identity by asking you to provide the answers to three randomly selected Authentication Questions. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Can I choose not to enrol in MFA?
    No, it is mandatory for all of Republic Bank's Internet Banking customers. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Will my card number, password or login ID change?
    No, your card number and password will stay the same. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • How do I enrol in MFA?
    Enrolment in MFA is quick and easy. It should only take you about 5 minutes to enrol. You will be asked to select five different questions and select five different answers. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • What do you mean by ‘enrolled computer’?
    An enrolled computer has a unique identifier assigned to it that is only recognised by MFA. Enrolling the computer eliminates the need to answer the Authentication Questions every time you log in to Internet Banking. Please ensure that you only enrol computers that you use most frequently and avoid enrolling public computers. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Why I am being asked different Authentication Questions every time I try to log in?
    If you try to log in from a computer that has not been enrolled, you will be asked to answer three randomly selected Authentication Questions from the five Authentication Questions you previously selected. That means you may be asked different Authentication Questions when you try to log in. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • How long does it take to register for RepublicOnline?
    Registering for RepublicOnline is quick and easy. You can register for RepublicOnline from any computer in minutes. It's safe secure and easy. Find out more about RepublicOnline.
  • Is there a way for me to preview RepublicOnline before I sign up?
    Yes. View the New RepublicOnline Demo.
  • Who has access to my account information on the Internet?
    As a customer, you must enter your Republic Visa Debit Card number and a password that is known only to you. Unless you have compromised your security by revealing your password to someone else, you are the only person with access to your account information using Internet banking. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Can I access my accounts from different computers?
    Yes, you can log in to Internet Banking from any computer. If the computer you are logging in from is not enrolled you will be prompted to answer your previously selected Authentication Questions before you can start banking online. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • I enrolled my computer, why am I still being asked Authentication Questions?
    This could happen for the following reasons: 1. You might have deleted the cookies on your computer after you enrolled your computer. 2. You are only allowed to enrol a maximum of three computers. If you enrol a fourth computer, the first computer will automatically be de-enrolled. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Can two people log in from the same computer?
    Yes, there is no limit to the number of people who can log in to Internet Banking from the same computer. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • How do I change my Authentication Questions or answers?
    We will need to validate your personal information, so please contact a Republic Bank Customer Service Representative at (268) 480-1645. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • What should I do if I forget the answers to my Authentication Questions?
    We will need to validate your personal information, so please contact a Republic Bank Customer Service Representative at (268) 480-1645. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • What can I do if I am locked out?
    We will need to validate your personal information, so please contact a Republic Bank Customer Service Representative at (268) 480-1645. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • What happens if someone gets a hold of my password?
    If someone gets a hold of your password and card number and tries to login and access your accounts, we will recognise that they are logging in from an unregistered computer. They will be prompted to answer the Authentication Questions. Since you are the only one who knows the answers, they will not be able to answer correctly and will therefore unable to log in. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • What happens to my MFA if I replace my Republic Visa Debit Card?
    You will need to enrol in MFA again. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Who can I contact if I have a problem or more questions about MFA?
    Please contact a Republic Bank Customer Service Representative at (268) 480-1645. Find out more about Multi-Factor Authentication.